Into The Violet Belly - dir. Thuy-Han Ngyuen-Chi

(Essay documentary, 2022) 20 minutes

Interweaving family lore, mythology, science fiction, and digital abstraction, Thuy-Han Nguyen-Chi’s film follows the collaboration between the artist and her mother, Thuyen Hoa, who fled Vietnam after the end of the American War via a near-calamitous sea journey.

* New York Film Festival (2022)
* Singapore International Film Festival (2022)
* 12th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art (2022)
* De Appel, Amsterdam (2022)
* San Diego Asian Film Festival (2022)
* Villa Medicis Film Festival, Rome (2022)
* Whitechapel Gallery - The London Open (2022)
* CPH:DOX Copenhagen Film Festival (2023)
* MOMA /, New York (2023)